
Measures Value Pathways

Value of a Measure

Quality measures create an objective measurement of how well physicians are implementing evidence-based standards in their practice. Measures that focus on key processes such as procedures, timelines, imaging, and medication administration provide quantifiable data and benchmarks for achieving improvement. Outcome measures, including those that incorporate patient-reported data, reflect the total care provided and the result of that care. The 一分六合彩F is working to create all types of measures for the expansive practice of otolaryngology and include those measures in the Reg-entsm Registry. With participation from physicians, expert clinical committee, and specialty societies these measures will serve to reflect the high quality care being provided to our patients.

Development Process

Currently, the 一分六合彩F is working our clinical committee and specialty societies to continue the measure development initiatives and making improvements to existing measures that will be applicable in today鈥檚 practice. A majority of the measures are evidence-based; utilizing the 一分六合彩F鈥檚 Clinical Practice Guidelines which include key action statements intended to optimize patient care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options. In addition, the measure development process is comprehensive and includes multiple phases and incorporate the follow:

  • Identifying measures topic
  • Prioritization lead by the Clinical Advisory Committees (CAC)
  • Peer review
  • Public comment
  • Data collection
  • Testing


For more information about quality measures and the Academy鈥檚 initiatives in this area, please contact the Academy by email at [email protected].

一分六合彩F 2024 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO Early Registration Ends July 31Learn More