The 4-episode ENT Exam Video Series鈩 provides an overview of a thorough examination of the ear, oral cavity, face, nose, neck, nasopharynx, and larynx. Images and video of normal anatomy, normal variances, and common abnormalities have been added to enhance the learning experience.
Episode 1: The Ear Exam
This episode covers the essential parts of an ear examination. It begins with a review of ear anatomy and continues with a discussion of normal variances and common abnormalities. Detailed images of numerous ear conditions are provided. In addition, the Weber and Rinne tuning fork tests are demonstrated.
For more information, read the Clinical Practice Guidelines on聽Sudden Hearing Loss,聽Cerumen Impaction,聽Acute Otitis Externa, and聽Otitis Media with Effusion.
Episode 2: The Oral Cavity and Neck Exam
This episode covers the essential parts of an examination of the oral cavity and neck. A thorough review of the anatomy of the oral cavity and of the neck is provided. In addition, normal variances and common abnormalities found in these areas are illustrated.
Episode 3: The Face and Nose Exam
This episode covers the essential parts of an examination of the face and nose. A thorough review of the anatomy of the face and of the interior and exterior aspects of the nose is provided. In addition, normal variances and common abnormalities found in these areas are illustrated.
Episode 4: The Nasopharynx and Larynx Exam
This episode covers the essential parts of an examination of the nasopharynx and larynx. A thorough review of the anatomy of the nasopharynx and larynx is provided. In addition, normal variances and common abnormalities found in these areas are illustrated. Video clips of vocal cord polyps, nodules, and vocal cord paralysis are also provided.